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Text File
2,577 lines
# Name: msfweb
# Author: H D Moore <hdm [at] metasploit.com>
# Version: $Revision: 1.115 $
# Description: Web interface to the Metasploit Exploit Framework
# License:
# This file is part of the Metasploit Exploit Framework
# and is subject to the same licenses and copyrights as
# the rest of this package.
require 5.6.0;
use strict;
use FindBin qw{$RealBin};
use lib "$RealBin/lib";
use Msf::WebUI;
use POSIX;
use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Std;
no utf8;
no locale;
my $ui = Msf::WebUI->new($RealBin);
my $VERSION = $ui->Version;
$ui->SetGlobalEnv('_Console', 'Msf::PayloadComponent::WebConsole');
my @sections = qw{ EXPLOITS PAYLOADS SESSIONS };
my $exploitsIndex;
my $payloadsIndex;
my $encodersIndex;
my $nopsIndex;
my $exploits = { };
my $payloads = { };
my $moduleTypes = { };
my $moduleKeys = { };
my $moduleArch = { };
my $moduleOS = { };
my $moduleList = { };
my $modules = { };
my $burl;
my %args;
# Cache control date
my $cache_start = HTTPDate();
my %cache_hosts = ();
# Configuration defaults...
my %config =
'BindAddr' => '',
'BindPort' => 55555,
'LogFile' => '-',
'LogLevel' => 0,
'Reload' => 0,
'Theme' => 'default',
'ThemeDir' => "$RealBin/data/msfweb/themes",
'IconDir' => "$RealBin/data/msfweb/icons",
'CacheDir' => $ui->_DotMsfDir. "/msfweb",
'Defanged' => 0,
# Process the command line options
getopts("a:l:v:p:t:T:C:r:hD", \%args);
# Show the help output
if ($args{'h'}) { Usage() }
# IP address and possible TCP port
if (exists($args{'a'}))
my ($host, $port) = split(/:/, $args{'a'});
$config{'BindAddr'} = $host;
if ($port) {
$config{'BindPort'} = $port;
# TCP port
if (exists($args{'p'})) {
$config{'BindPort'} = $args{'p'};
# Log file name
if (exists($args{'l'})) {
$config{'LogFile'} = $args{'l'};
# Log verbosity level
if (exists($args{'v'})) {
$config{'LogLevel'} = $args{'v'};
# Theme name
if (exists($args{'t'})) {
$config{'Theme'} = $args{'t'};
# Theme directory
if (exists($args{'T'})) {
$config{'ThemeDir'} = $args{'T'};
# Cache directory
if (exists($args{'C'})) {
$config{'CacheDir'} = $args{'C'};
# Reload modules
if (exists($args{'r'})) {
# Check for 'defanged' option
if (exists($args{'D'})) {
my $bindstr = $config{'BindAddr'}. ':' .$config{'BindPort'};
print STDERR "+----=[ Metasploit Framework Web Interface ($bindstr)\n\n";
# Create the .msf directory if it does not exist
if (! -d $ui->_DotMsfDir) {
mkdir($ui->_DotMsfDir, 0700);
# Create the cache directory if it does not exist
if (! -d $config{'CacheDir'}) {
mkdir($config{'CacheDir'}, 0700);
# Check to see if we can write files to the cache directory
if (! -d $config{'CacheDir'} || ! open(T, ">>".$config{'CacheDir'}.'/.test_'.$$) ) {
print STDERR "ERROR: the specified cache directory is not accessible: $!\n";
unlink($config{'CacheDir'}.'/.test_'.$$) && close(T);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_CacheDir', $config{'CacheDir'} );
# Create a cache prefix based on the master pid
# This prevents locking issues in Cygwin...
$ui->SetTempEnv('_CachePath', sprintf('%s/%.4x_', $config{'CacheDir'}, $$));
# XXX Clear old session logs on startup
# Verify that the specified theme actually exists
if (! -r $config{'ThemeDir'} .'/'. $config{'Theme'} .'/style.css') {
print STDERR "ERROR: the specified theme does not exist\n";
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Theme', $config{'ThemeDir'} .'/'. $config{'Theme'} );
# Verify that the icon directory exists
if (! -r $config{'IconDir'} .'/win32.gif') {
print STDERR "ERROR: the specified icon directory does not exist\n";
$ui->SetTempEnv('_IconDir', $config{'IconDir'});
# Set defanged mode if needed...
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Defanged', $config{'Defanged'});
# Create the inital list of modules
# Pregenerate the complete lists without any filters
if (! $config{'Reload'} ) {
my $ghettoWeb = GhettoWeb->new
'host' => $config{'BindAddr'},
'port' => $config{'BindPort'},
'fnWeb' => \&ProcessWebRequest,
'fnIPC' => \&ProcessIPCRequest,
'fnHRP' => \&HTTPRequest,
if ($ghettoWeb->IsError) {
print STDERR "[*] Error: ".$ghettoWeb->GetError."\n";
# !!! WARNING !!! #
# #
# Viewing the code below may result in the loss #
# of vision, nausea, indigestion, insomnia, or #
# even INSTANT DEATH. You have been warned. #
# #
sub Usage {
print STDERR qq{
Usage: $0 <options>
-a <ip address> Bind to this IP instead of the loopback address
-p <tcp port> Bind to this TCP port instead of 55555
-l <log file> The path name to use for a log file (stderr)
-v <log level> A number between 0 and 10 that controls log verbosity
-t <theme name> Select a specific theme: default, gwhite, gblack
-T <theme dir> Use an alternate directory for msfweb themes
-C <cache dir> Use a specific directory for session cache files
-r <boolean> Reload all modules with each new web request
sub ProcessResRequest {
my ($req, $cli, $ipc) = @_;
my ($is_icon, $is_theme);
# Process requests for shared icons
if (exists($req->{'params'}->{'ICON'})) {
my $os = $req->{'params'}->{'ICON'};
my $icondir = $ui->GetTempEnv('_IconDir') || "$RealBin/data/msfweb/icons";
my %icons =
'aix' => ['image/gif', 'aix.gif'],
'amiga' => ['image/gif', 'amiga.gif'],
'beos' => ['image/gif', 'be.gif'],
'bsd' => ['image/gif', 'bsd.gif'],
'cisco' => ['image/gif', 'cisco.gif'],
'hpux' => ['image/gif', 'hpux.gif'],
'irix' => ['image/gif', 'irix.gif'],
'linux' => ['image/gif', 'linux.gif'],
'novell'=> ['image/gif', 'novell.gif'],
'os2' => ['image/gif', 'os2.gif'],
'osx' => ['image/gif', 'osx.gif'],
'sun' => ['image/gif', 'sun.gif'],
'win32' => ['image/gif', 'win32.gif'],
# special case icons
'any' => ['image/gif', 'any.gif'],
'unknown' => ['image/gif', 'unknown.gif'],
'favorite' => ['image/x-icon', 'favicon.ico'],
my ($type, $path) = @{ $icons{$os} || $icons{'unknown'} };
my $data;
if ( open (X, "<$icondir/$path") ) {
binmode (X);
while (<X>) { $data .= $_ }
close (X);
$cli->Send(HTTPResponse(200, $data, $type));
# Process requests for theme-based resources
if (exists($req->{'params'}->{'ID'})) {
my $theme = $ui->GetTempEnv('_Theme') || "$RealBin/data/msfweb/themes/default";
my %files =
'LOGO' => ['image/jpg', 'logo.jpg'],
'STYLE' => ['text/css', 'style.css'],
if ( exists( $files{ $req->{'params'}->{'ID'} } ) ) {
my ($type, $path) = @{ $files{ $req->{'params'}->{'ID'} } };
my $data;
if ( open (X, "<$theme/$path") ) {
binmode (X);
while (<X>) { $data .= $_ }
close (X);
$cli->Send(HTTPResponse(200, $data, $type));
sub ProcessIPCRequest {
my $self = shift;
my $ipc = shift;
my $req = $ipc->getline || return;
my ($cmd, @args) = split(/\s+/, $req);
$self->Log(3, "IPC: $ipc $$ $cmd ($args[0] | $args[1])");
return if ! $cmd;
if ($cmd eq 'SESSION') {
my $sid = $self->SessionNew($ipc);
$ipc->printflush("SID $sid\n");
# NEW <sid> <pid of exploit pipe handler>
if ($cmd eq 'NEW') {
if ($cmd eq 'SHUTDOWN') {
if ($cmd eq 'CMD' || $cmd eq 'DATA') {
my $out = $self->SessionIPC($args[0]);
if ($out) {
$out->printflush("$cmd ".$args[1]."\n");
$ipc->printflush("$cmd OK\n");
else {
$ipc->printflush("$cmd ERROR\n");
if ($cmd eq 'INFO') {
$self->SessionInfo($args[0], $args[1]);
# XXX replace this :/
if ($cmd eq 'LIST') {
my @list = $self->SessionList();
my $data;
foreach my $sid (@list) {
$data .= 'sid='. unpack('H*', $sid). ',' .$self->SessionInfo($sid). ' ';
$ipc->printflush("LIST $data\n");
sub ProcessWebRequest {
my $self = shift;
my ($req, $cli, $ipc) = @_;
my $state = $req->{'params'};
my $mbase = $req->{'base'};
my $res;
my $cinfo = $cli->PeerAddr .':'. $cli->PeerPort;
my $log = "HTTP: $cinfo $$ ". $req->{'path'} ." ". $state->{'MODE'};
# Dirty hack to support /favicon.ico requests
if ($req->{'path'} eq '/favicon.ico') {
$req->{'path'} = '/RESOURCE?ICON=favorite';
$req->{'base'} = 'RESOURCE';
$state->{'ICON'} = 'favorite';
if (exists($state->{'MODULE'})) {
$log .= " module=". $state->{'MODULE'};
if ($req->{'base'} eq 'RESOURCE') {
$log .= " ICON=". $state->{'ICON'} if $state->{'ICON'};
$log .= " ID=". $state->{'ID'} if $state->{'ID'};
$self->Log(3, $log);
# Process resource requests
if ($req->{'base'} eq 'RESOURCE') {
ProcessResRequest($req, $cli, $ipc);
# Generate the base URL
$burl = "/$mbase?";
# Reload all modules only when the -r option has been specified
if ($config{'Reload'}) {
# Start with a standard header
$res .= HTML_Header($req);
my $logaction;
if (defined (my $mid = $state->{'MODULE'} )) {
my $mname;
my $icons;
if ($mbase eq 'EXPLOITS' && exists($exploits->{$mid}) ) {
$mname = $exploits->{$mid}->Name;
$mname .= ' ('.$state->{'PAYLOAD'}.')' if exists($state->{'PAYLOAD'});
foreach ( KeysToIcons( @{ $exploits->{$mid}->OS } ) ) {
$icons .= "<img src='/RESOURCE?ICON=$_' border=0 class='iconset' alt='$_'> ";
if ($mbase eq 'PAYLOADS' && exists($payloads->{$mid}) ) {
$mname = $payloads->{$mid}->Name;
foreach ( KeysToIcons( @{ $payloads->{$mid}->OS } ) ) {
$icons .= "<img src='/RESOURCE?ICON=$_' border=0 class='iconset' alt='$_'> ";
if (! defined($mname)) {
$mname = 'Invalid Module';
$res .= "<table width='100%' cellspacing=0 border=0 cellpadding=0>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td class='moduleIcons' align='center'>$icons</td>";
$res .= "<td class='moduleName'><div class='textBold'>$mname</div></td></tr>\n";
$res .= "</table><br>\n";
$state->{'client'} = $cli;
$state->{'parent'} = $ipc;
if ($req->{'base'} eq 'EXPLOITS') {
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'MAIN') { $res .= ExploitList($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'SELECT') { $res .= ExploitTarget($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'PAYLOAD') { $res .= ExploitPayload($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'OPTIONS') { $res .= ExploitOptions($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'TARGETS') { $res .= ExploitTargets($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'CHECK') { $res .= ExploitCheck($state) }
# ExploitExec doesn't return on success
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'EXPLOIT') { $res .= ExploitExec($state) }
$res .= HTML_Footer();
if ($req->{'base'} eq 'PAYLOADS') {
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'MAIN') { $res .= PayloadList($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'SELECT') { $res .= PayloadOptions($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'GENERATE') { $res .= PayloadGenerate($state) }
$res .= HTML_Footer();
if ($req->{'base'} eq 'SESSIONS') {
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'MAIN') { $res .= SessionList($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'LOAD') { $res = SessionLoad($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'COMMAND') { $res = SessionCommand($state) }
if ($state->{'MODE'} eq 'UPDATE') { $res = SessionUpdate($state) }
$cli->Send(HTTPResponse(200, $res));
sub HTML_Header {
my $req = shift;
my $header = qq
[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>Metasploit Framework Web Console v$VERSION</title>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/RESOURCE?ID=STYLE'>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<div align='center'><img src='/RESOURCE?ID=LOGO' alt='msfweb'></div>
<table align='center' cellpadding=8 border=0 cellspacing=1 width='100%' class='tblInner'>
<table align='center' cellpadding=8 cellspacing=1 width='100%' class='tblOuter' >
my $lastTab = 'tabLight';
my $currTab;
$header .= "\t\t\t";
my $width = int( 100 / scalar(@sections) ) .'%';
foreach my $section (@sections) {
$lastTab = ($lastTab eq 'tabLight') ? 'tabDark' : 'tabLight';
$currTab = ($section eq $req->{'base'}) ? 'tabActive' : $lastTab;
$header .= qq[ <td class='$lastTab' width='$width' align='center'> <a href='/$section' class='$currTab'>$section</a> </td> ];
$header .= qq[
<tr><td colspan=5>
return $header;
sub HTML_Footer {
return qq[
<div align='center' class='copy'>
<br>copyright © 2003-2005 metasploit.com<br><br>
sub KeysToIcons {
my @keys = @_;
my %icons;
my %match;
@icons { qw { aix amiga beos bsd cisco hpux irix linux novell os2 osx sun win32 unknown } } = ();
my %osmaps =
'solaris' => 'sun',
'ios' => 'cisco',
'openbsd' => 'bsd',
'freebsd' => 'bsd',
'netbsd' => 'bsd',
'bsdi' => 'bsd',
'macos' => 'mac',
if (! scalar(@keys) ) {
return ('any');
foreach (@keys) {
$match{ $_ }++ if exists($icons{$_});
$match{ $osmaps{ $_ } }++ if exists($icons{ $osmaps{ $_ } });
if (! scalar(keys %match)) {
return sort keys %match;
sub URLEncode {
my ($data) = @_;
my $res;
foreach (split(//, $data))
{ $res .= sprintf("%%%.2x", ord($_)) }
return $res;
sub StateToURL {
my ($mode, $state) = @_;
my (%tmp, $res);
$res = $burl;
foreach (keys(%{$state})) {
next if $_ eq "client";
next if $_ eq "parent";
my $value = $_ eq "MODE" ? $mode : $state->{$_};
$res .= $_ . "=" . URLEncode($value) . "&";
return $res;
sub StateToOptions {
my ($state) = @_;
my $res = {};
foreach (keys(%{$state})) {
if (m/^OPT\_(.*)/ && defined($state->{$_})) {
my $name = $1;
# Block all options starting with underscore (thanks Dino!)
if ($name !~ /^_/) {
$res->{$name} = $state->{$_};
else {
# XXX - report a possible "refang" attack?
return $res;
sub SessionList {
my $state = shift;
my $ipc = $state->{'parent'};
my $res;
my %slist;
if ( defined(my $raw = $ipc->getline) ) {
if ( (my ($data) = $raw =~ m/^LIST\s+(.*)\n/) ) {
foreach my $entry (split(/\s+/, $data)) {
my %hash = IPCDataToHash($entry);
my $sid = $hash{'sid'};
$slist{$sid} = \%hash;
if (! scalar(keys(%slist))) {
$res .= "<p class='textBold'>There are no active sessions.<br\><br\></p>\n";
$res .= HTML_Footer();
return $res;
$res .= "<p class='textBold'>Session List:<br\><br\></p>\n";
$res .= "<table align='center' cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
$res .= "<tr>";
foreach (qw{Time Session User Exploit Target Payload}) {
$res .= "<td class='textBold' align='center'>$_</td>";
$res .= "</tr><tr><td colspan=6><br\></td></tr>\n";
foreach my $sid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %slist ) {
my $ses = $slist{$sid};
my $s_module = $ses->{'module'};
my $s_payload = $ses->{'payload'};
my $s_client = $ses->{'client'};
my $s_target = $ses->{'target'};
my $s_time = scalar(localtime($ses->{'start'}));
my $mlink = '/EXPLOITS?MODE=SELECT&MODULE='.URLEncode($s_module);
my $plink = ($s_payload ne 'unknown') ? '/PAYLOADS?MODE=SELECT&MODULE='.URLEncode($s_payload) : '#';
$res .= "<tr>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>$s_time</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'><a href='/SESSIONS?MODE=LOAD&SID=$sid' target='_blank'>Session $sid</a></td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>$s_client</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'><a href='$mlink'>$s_module</a></td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>$s_target</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'><a href='$plink'>$s_payload</a></td>";
$res .= "</tr>";
$res .= "</table>\n";
$res .= HTML_Footer();
return $res;
sub SessionLoad {
my $state = shift;
my $sid = $state->{'SID'} + 0;
my $res = qq
<title>Metasploit Framework v$VERSION - Session $sid </title>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/RESOURCE?ID=STYLE'>
<frameset rows="*, 90" border=0 frameborder=0 framespacing=0>
<frame src="/SESSIONS?MODE=UPDATE&SID=$sid" name="update">
<frame src="/SESSIONS?MODE=COMMAND&SID=$sid" name="command">
<noframes><body>This feature requires frames...</body></noframes>
return $res;
# Quick command bar to send commands to the shell
sub SessionCommand {
my $state = shift;
my $data = $state->{'IDATA'};
my $ipc = $state->{'parent'};
my $sid = $state->{'SID'} + 0;
my $cmd = $state->{'CMD'};
my $cmdurl = "/SESSIONS?MODE=COMMAND&SID=$sid&CMD=";
my $lspace = " " x 4;
my $verify = 'javascript:if(!confirm("Are you sure that you want to kill this session?")){return false; }';
my $cmdbar =
"<div class='textBold' class='CommandBar'>\n".
"<ul id='CommandBarList'>\n".
"<li>Session Commands:$lspace".
"<li><a href='".$cmdurl."DIE' onClick='$verify'>Session::Kill</a>$lspace".
"<li><a href='".$cmdurl."INT'>Session::Break</a>$lspace".
"<li><a href='http://metasploit.com/' target='_blank'>Metasploit::Website</a>$lspace".
"<li><a href='http://metasploit.com/donate.html' target='_blank'>Metasploit::Donate</a> ".
my $res = qq
<title>Metasploit Framework Web Console v$VERSION</title>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/RESOURCE?ID=STYLE'>
<form action='/SESSIONS' name='cmdform'>
<input type='hidden' name='MODE' value='COMMAND'>
<input type='hidden' name='SID' value='$sid'>
<input type='text' name='IDATA' size=80 maxsize=4000>
<input type='submit' name='RUN' value='Run' class='button'>
<script language='javascript'>
# Process any special command sequences
if ($cmd) {
$ipc->printflush("CMD $sid ".unpack("H*", $cmd)."\n");
my $raw = $ipc->getline;
if ($raw =~ /ERROR/) {
$ipc->printflush("SHUTDOWN $sid\n");
# Process incoming data (shell commands)...
elsif ($data) {
$data .= "\n";
$ipc->printflush("DATA $sid ".unpack("H*", $data)."\n");
my $raw = $ipc->getline;
if ($raw =~ /ERROR/) {
$ipc->printflush("SHUTDOWN $sid\n");
return $res;
sub SessionUpdate {
my $state = shift;
my $ipc = $state->{'parent'};
my $chi = $state->{'client'};
my $sid = $state->{'SID'} + 0;
my $cmd = $state->{'CMD'};
my $res = qq
[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<title>Metasploit Framework Web Shell v$VERSION - Session $sid </title>
<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/RESOURCE?ID=STYLE'>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
# Use chunked transfer mode to return partial responses
my $out = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
"Connection: close\r\n".
"Date: ". HTTPDate()."\r\n".
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n".
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
my $init = 0;
my $foff = 0;
my $idle = 0;
my $tick = time();
my $cache_file = $ui->GetEnv('_CachePath'). sprintf("cache%.8x.dat", $sid);
my $cache_data;
my $count = 10;
while ($count && ! open(CACHE, "<$cache_file")) {
if (! $count) {
$res = "<div class='textBold'>!!! Timeout reached waiting for the session log</div>\n";
$res .= "</pre></body></html>\n";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
while (1) {
$res = undef;
if (! $chi->Socket->connected) {
# Read the init time stamp from the top
seek(FILE, 0, 0);
my $init_data = <CACHE>;
# Seek to the last data marker
seek(CACHE, $foff, 0);
# Read until we hit EOF
for ($foff = tell(CACHE); my $data = <CACHE>; $foff = tell(CACHE)) {
$res .= $data;
# Clear stdio errors and seek to the last tell
seek(CACHE, $foff, 1);
seek(CACHE, $foff, 0);
# If there is a new data, display it
if ($res) {
$res .= "<script language='javascript'>self.scrollTo(0, 999999999)</script>";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
$tick = time();
$idle = 0;
# Send a comment as a keep alive
if ($tick + 10 < time()) {
$res = "<!-- MSF -->";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
$tick = time();
# If we have been idle for five minutes, shut down the reader
if ($idle > 30) {
$res = "<div class='textBold'>!!! Idle timeout reached, reload to start again.</div>\n";
$res .= "</pre></body></html>\n";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
# Sleep a quarter of a second to reduce CPU usage
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);
$res = "</pre></body></html>\n";
$chi->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($res), $res));
sub PayloadList {
my $state = shift;
my $mtype = 'payloads';
my $mfilt = exists($state->{'FILTER'}) ? $state->{'FILTER'} : 'ALL';
if (! $config{'Reload'} || ! defined( $moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt} )) {
$moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt} = ModuleList($mtype, $mfilt);
return $moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt};
sub ExploitList {
my $state = shift;
my $mtype = 'exploits';
my $mfilt = exists($state->{'FILTER'}) ? $state->{'FILTER'} : 'ALL';
if (! $config{'Reload'} || ! defined( $moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt} )) {
$moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt} = ModuleList($mtype, $mfilt);
return $moduleList->{$mtype}->{$mfilt};
sub ModuleList
my $mtype = shift;
my $mfilt = shift;
my $mList;
my @links;
my $moduleMerge = {};
my $mTypes = $moduleTypes->{$mtype};
my $mKeys = $moduleKeys->{$mtype};
my $mArch = $moduleArch->{$mtype};
my $mOS = $moduleOS->{$mtype};
my $mALL = {};
$mList = "<form action='/".uc($mtype)."' method='GET'>\n";
$mList .= "<div align='center' class='navHead'>\n";
$mList .= "<select name='FILTER' onChange='javascript:form.submit()'>\n";
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'> \n";
# List of mTypes
if ($mtype eq 'exploits' && scalar(keys %{ $mTypes } )) {
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'>--- Exploit Class ---\n";
foreach my $kname (sort( keys %{ $mTypes }) ) {
my $sel = ($mfilt eq $kname) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
$mList .= "<option value='$kname' $sel> class :: $kname\n";
$moduleMerge->{$kname} = $mTypes->{$kname};
if ($mfilt eq 'ALL') {
foreach my $mname (@{ $mTypes->{$kname} }) {
# List of mKeys
if (scalar(keys %{ $mKeys } )) {
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'> \n";
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'>--- Application ---\n";
foreach my $kname (sort( keys %{ $mKeys }) ) {
my $sel = ($mfilt eq $kname) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
$mList .= "<option value='$kname' $sel> app :: $kname\n";
$moduleMerge->{$kname} = $mKeys->{$kname};
if ($mfilt eq 'ALL') {
foreach my $mname (@{ $mKeys->{$kname} }) {
# List of mOS
if (scalar(keys %{ $mOS } )) {
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'> \n";
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'>--- Operating System ---\n";
foreach my $kname (sort( keys %{ $mOS }) ) {
my $sel = ($mfilt eq $kname) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
$mList .= "<option value='$kname' $sel> os :: $kname\n";
$moduleMerge->{$kname} = $mOS->{$kname};
if ($mfilt eq 'ALL') {
foreach my $mname (@{ $mOS->{$kname} }) {
# List of mArch
if (scalar(keys %{ $mArch } )) {
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'> \n";
$mList .= "<option value='ALL'>--- Architecture ---\n";
foreach my $kname (sort( keys %{ $mArch}) ) {
my $sel = ($mfilt eq $kname) ? 'SELECTED' : '';
$mList .= "<option value='$kname' $sel> cpu :: $kname\n";
$moduleMerge->{$kname} = $mArch->{$kname};
if ($mfilt eq 'ALL') {
foreach my $mname (@{ $mArch->{$kname} }) {
$mList .= "</select>\n";
$mList .= "<input type='submit' value=' Filter Modules ' class='button'></div></form><br\>\n";
if ($mfilt eq 'ALL') {
$moduleMerge->{'ALL'} = [ keys %{ $mALL } ];
$mList .= qq[
<table class='moduleList' width='100%' cellspacing=0 border=0>
# Build a hash mapping the module titles to the module names
my $mname = {};
foreach my $ename ( @{ $moduleMerge->{$mfilt} } ) {
my $mod = $modules->{$mtype}->{$ename};
$mname->{ $mod->Name } = $ename;
# Dump out all of the matching modules for this key, os, or arch
foreach my $etitle (sort keys %{ $mname } ) {
my $ename = $mname->{ $etitle };
my $mod = $modules->{$mtype}->{$ename};
my $icons;
foreach ( KeysToIcons( @{ $mod->OS } ) ) {
$icons .= "<img src='/RESOURCE?ICON=". $_ ."' border=0 class='iconset' alt='".$_."'> ";
$mList .= "<tr>";
$mList .= "<td class='moduleIcons' align='center'>$icons</td>";
$mList .= "<td class='moduleName'><a href='/". uc($mtype) ."?MODE=SELECT&MODULE=".URLEncode($ename)."'>";
$mList .= $mod->Name ."</a></td>";
$mList .= "</tr>\n";
$mList .= "<tr><td class='moduleSpacer' colspan=2></tr>\n";
$mList .= qq[
return $mList;
sub ModuleInfo {
my $module = shift;
my $res;
my $desc = XSS_Filter($module->Description);
my ($rev) = $module->Version() =~ m/\$Revisio.:\s+([^\$]+)/;
$res .= "<table align='center' cellpadding=6 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
my $class;
if ($module->can('ModuleClass') && $module->ModuleClass) {
$class = ' ('. $module->ModuleClass .')';
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'>Name:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>" . $module->SelfEndName() . " v$rev $class</td></tr>\n";
my @authors = @{$module->Authors()};
my $author = shift(@authors);
$author =~ s/</</g;
$author =~ s/>/>/g;
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'>Authors:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>$author</td></tr>\n";
foreach my $author (@authors) {
$author =~ s/</</g;
$author =~ s/>/>/g;
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80> </td><td class='textNormal'>$author</td></tr>\n";
if ($module->can('Multistage') && $module->Multistage) {
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'> Multistage:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>Yes</td></tr>\n";
if ($module->can('Size') && $module->Size) {
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'> Size:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>".$module->Size." bytes</td></tr>\n";
if ($module->can('DisclosureDate') && $module->DisclosureDate) {
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'> Disclosure:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>".$module->DisclosureDate."</td></tr>\n";
if (scalar( @{ $module->Arch } )) {
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'>Arch:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>". join(", ", @{ $module->Arch }) ."</td></tr>\n";
if (scalar( @{ $module->OS } )) {
$res .= "<tr><td align='right' width=80 class='textBold'>OS:</td>";
$res .= "<td class='textNormal'>". join(", ", @{ $module->OS }) ."</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=2 class='textNormal'>";
$res .= "<br>$desc<br><br>";
foreach my $ref (@{$module->RefLinks}) { $res .= " - <a href='$ref' target='_blank'>$ref</a><br>\n" }
$res .= "<br></td></tr></table>\n";
return $res;
sub PayloadEncoders {
my $payloadArch = shift;
my $payloadOS = shift;
my %res;
foreach my $encoderName (keys %{ $encodersIndex }) {
my $encoder = $encodersIndex->{$encoderName};
my $encoderArch = $encoder->Arch;
my $encoderOS = $encoder->OS;
next if ! $ui->ListCheck($payloadArch, $encoderArch);
next if ! $ui->ListCheck($payloadOS, $encoderOS);
$res{ $encoderName } = $encoder;
return %res;
sub PayloadNops {
my $payloadArch = shift;
my $payloadOS = shift;
my %res;
foreach my $nopName (keys %{ $nopsIndex }) {
my $nop = $nopsIndex->{$nopName};
my $nopArch = $nop->Arch;
my $nopOS = $nop->OS;
next if ! $ui->ListCheck($payloadArch, $nopArch);
next if ! $ui->ListCheck($payloadOS, $nopOS);
$res{ $nopName } = $nop;
return %res;
sub PayloadOptions
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
if (! exists($payloads->{$module})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $p = $payloads->{$module};
$res .= ModuleInfo($p);
$res .= "<form action='$burl' method='GET'>\n";
$res .= "<table align='center' padding=4 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
foreach (keys(%{$state})) {
next if lc($_) eq 'client';
if ($_ ne "MODE") {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='".XSS_Filter($_)."' value='" . XSS_Filter($state->{$_}) . "'>\n";
} else {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='MODE' value='GENERATE'>\n";
my $popts = $p->UserOpts();
foreach my $popt (sort(keys(%{$popts}))) {
my $dflt = $popts->{$popt}->[3];
my $reqd = $popts->{$popt}->[0] ? "Required" : "Optional";
my $colc = $popts->{$popt}->[0] ? "textBold" : "textBoldDark";
$dflt = Pex::Utils::SourceIP() if $popt eq "LHOST";
$res .= "<tr><td class='$colc'>$popt</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>$reqd</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>". $popts->{$popt}->[1] ."</td>".
"<td class='textNormal'><input type='text' name='OPT_$popt' value='$dflt'></td>".
"<td class='textNormal'>".$popts->{$popt}->[2]."</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6> </td></tr>\n";
# Display encoding options only when an arch is set
if (scalar( @{ $p->Arch } )) {
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6 class='textBold'>";
$res .= "Max Size: ";
$res .= "<input type='text' size=10 name='MaxSize' value=''>";
$res .= "</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6 class='textBold'>";
$res .= "Restricted Characters (format: 0x00 0x01)<br\> ";
$res .= "<input type='text' size=45 name='BadChars' value='0x00 '>";
$res .= "</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6> </td></tr>\n";
my %encoderList = PayloadEncoders($p->Arch, $p->OS);
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6 class='textBold'>";
$res .= "Selected Encoder:<br\> ";
$res .= "<select name='ENCODER' size=1>\n";
$res .= "<option value='default'> Default Encoder\n";
foreach my $encoderName (keys %encoderList) {
$res .= "<option> $encoderName\n";
$res .= "</select>\n";
$res .= "</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=6><input type='submit' name='ACTION' value='Generate Payload' class='button'></td></tr>\n";
$res .= "</form>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
return $res;
sub PayloadGenerate
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
if (! exists($payloads->{$module})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $p = $payloads->{$module};
my $o = StateToOptions($state);
my $optstr;
foreach my $k (keys(%{ $o })) {
$ui->SetTempEnv($k, $o->{$k});
$optstr .= " $k=".$o->{$k};
my $badChars = CharsToBytes($state->{'BadChars'});
my $maxSize = $state->{'MaxSize'} || 65000;
my $rawShell = $p->Build();
my ($payloadArch) = $p->Arch;
my ($payloadOS) = $p->OS;
my $finalEncoder;
my $encodedPayload;
if (! $badChars) {
$finalEncoder = 'None';
$encodedPayload = Msf::EncodedPayload->new($rawShell, $rawShell);
my %encoderList = PayloadEncoders($payloadArch, $payloadOS);
my $encoderOpt = $state->{'ENCODER'};
if (scalar(@{ $p->Arch }) && $encoderOpt ne 'default' && ! exists($encoderList{$encoderOpt})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid encoder specified!</div>";
# Shrink the list down to the single selected option
if ($encoderOpt ne 'default') {
%encoderList = ( $encoderOpt => $encoderList{ $encoderOpt } );
foreach my $encoderName (keys %encoderList) {
next if ! $badChars;
my $encoder = $encoderList{$encoderName};
my $encodedShell = $encoder->Encode($rawShell, $badChars);
next if ! $encodedShell;
if ($encoder->IsError) {
next if Pex::Text::BadCharCheck($badChars, $encodedShell);
$encodedPayload = Msf::EncodedPayload->new($rawShell, $encodedShell);
if (length($encodedPayload->Payload) > $maxSize) {
$finalEncoder = $encoder->SelfEndName;
if (! $encodedPayload) {
$res .= "<div class='textBold'>No encoders succeeded :( </div>\n";
return $res;
my $sC = Pex::Text::BufferC($encodedPayload->Payload);
my $sP = Pex::Text::BufferPerl($encodedPayload->Payload);
if ($p->Multistage) {
$res .= "<div class='textBold'>Warning: only the loading stage of multi-stage payloads will be displayed!</div>\n<br\>";
$optstr =~ s/\<|\>//g;
$optstr .= " Size=".length($encodedPayload->Payload);
$optstr .= " Encoder=$finalEncoder";
$res .= "<pre>\n";
$res .= "<div class='shellcode'>";
$res .= "/* $module - $optstr http://metasploit.com */\n";
$res .= "unsigned char scode[] =\n$sC\n\n\n";
$res .= "# $module - $optstr http://metasploit.com\n";
$res .= "my \$shellcode =\n$sP\n\n\n";
$res .= "</div></pre>\n";
return $res;
sub ExploitTarget
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
if (! exists($exploits->{$module})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $x = $exploits->{$module};
$res .= ModuleInfo($x);
# Display available targets
if (scalar($x->TargetsList) ) {
$res .= "<table align='align' cellpadding=2 border=0 cellspacing=0'>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td class='textBold' align='left'>Select Target:</td><td> </td></tr>";
my $tidx = 0;
my $colc = ListColor();
foreach my $k ( $x->TargetsList )
my $u = StateToURL('PAYLOAD', $state);
my $default;
if ($tidx == $x->DefaultTarget) {
$default = "(default)";
$colc = ListColor($colc);
$res .= "<tr><td> </td><td align='left' class='textBold$colc'>$tidx - <a href='".$u."OPT_TARGET=$tidx'> $k $default </a></td></tr>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
} else {
$res .= ExploitPayload($state);
return $res;
sub ExploitPayload
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
if (! exists($exploits->{$module})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $x = $exploits->{$module};
# Display available payloads
my $matches = $ui->MatchPayloads($x, $payloads) if($x->Payload);
if (defined($x->Payload) ) {
$res .= "<p class='textBold'>Select Payload:<br\></p>\n";
$res .= "<table align='center' cellpadding=2 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td class='textBold' align='center'>Payload</td>";
$res .= " <td class='textBold' align='center'>Description</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=2><br\></td></tr>\n";
my $colc = ListColor();
foreach my $k (sort(keys(%{ $matches })))
my $u = StateToURL('OPTIONS', $state);
my $pname = $payloads->{$k}->Name();
$colc = ListColor($colc);
$res .= "<tr><td class='textNormal$colc'><a href='".$u."PAYLOAD=" . $k . "'>$k</a></td>";
$res .= "<td class='textBold$colc'>" .$pname . "</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
} else {
$res .= ExploitOptions($state);
return $res;
sub ExploitOptions
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
if (! exists($exploits->{$module})) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $x = $exploits->{$module};
my $p = $payloads->{$state->{'PAYLOAD'}};
$res .= "<form action='$burl' method='GET'>\n";
if (defined($x->Payload) && ! $state->{"PAYLOAD"})
$res .= "<div class='textBold'>Payload must be selected first!</div>\n";
return $res;
foreach (keys(%{$state})) {
next if lc($_) eq 'client';
next if lc($_) eq 'parent';
if ($_ ne "MODE") {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='".XSS_Filter($_)."' value='" . XSS_Filter($state->{$_}) . "'>\n";
} else {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='MODE' value='EXPLOIT'>\n";
$res .= "<table align='center' cellpadding=2 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
my $mopts = $x->UserOpts;
my $popts = defined($x->Payload) ? $p->UserOpts : {};
# Standard exploit options
foreach my $mopt (sort(keys(%{$mopts}))) {
my $dflt = $mopts->{$mopt}->[3];
my $reqd = $mopts->{$mopt}->[0] ? "Required" : "Optional";
my $colc = $mopts->{$mopt}->[0] ? "textBold" : "textBoldDark";
if (exists($x->AutoOpts->{$mopt})) {
$dflt = $x->AutoOpts->{$mopt};
$res .= "<tr><td class='$colc'>$mopt</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>$reqd</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>". $mopts->{$mopt}->[1] ."</td>".
"<td class='textNormal'><input type='text' name='OPT_$mopt' value='$dflt'></td>".
"<td class='textNormal'>".$mopts->{$mopt}->[2]."</td></tr>\n";
# Standard payload options
foreach my $popt (sort(keys(%{$popts}))) {
my $dflt = $popts->{$popt}->[3];
my $reqd = $popts->{$popt}->[0] ? "Required" : "Optional";
my $colc = $popts->{$popt}->[0] ? "textBold" : "textBoldDark";
$dflt = Pex::Utils::SourceIP() if $popt eq "LHOST";
if (exists($x->AutoOpts->{$popt})) {
$dflt = $x->AutoOpts->{$popt};
$res .= "<tr><td class='$colc'>$popt</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>$reqd</td>".
"<td class='$colc'>". $popts->{$popt}->[1] ."</td>".
"<td class='textNormal'><input type='text' name='OPT_$popt' value='$dflt'></td>".
"<td class='textNormal'>".$popts->{$popt}->[2]."</td></tr>\n";
if ($p && @{ $p->Arch } ) {
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
my %encoderList = PayloadEncoders($p->Arch, $p->OS);
$res .= "<tr>\n";
$res .= "<td colspan=3 class='textBold'>";
$res .= "Preferred Encoder:<br\> ";
$res .= "<select name='ENCODER' size=1>\n";
$res .= "<option value='default'> Default Encoder\n";
foreach my $encoderName (keys %encoderList) {
$res .= "<option> $encoderName\n";
$res .= "</select>\n";
$res .= "</td>\n";
my %nopList = PayloadNops($p->Arch, $p->OS);
$res .= "<td colspan=2 class='textBold'>";
$res .= "Nop Generator:<br\> ";
$res .= "<select name='NOP' size=1>\n";
$res .= "<option value='default'> Default Generator\n";
foreach my $nopName (keys %nopList) {
$res .= "<option> $nopName\n";
$res .= "</select>\n";
$res .= "</td>";
$res .= "</tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr>";
$res .= "<td colspan=3 align='right'> <input type='submit' name='ExploitAction' value='-Check-' class='button'> </td>";
$res .= "<td colspan=2 align='left'> <input type='submit' name='ExploitAction' value='-Exploit-' class='button'> </td>";
$res .= "</tr>\n";
# Advanced option processing
my $mopts = $x->Advanced();
my $popts = defined($x->Payload) ? $p->Advanced() : {};
if ( scalar(keys %{ $mopts} ) || scalar(keys %{ $popts} ) ) {
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5 class='textBold' align='left'>Advanced Module Options</td></tr>\n";
# Advanced exploit options
foreach my $mopt (sort(keys(%{$mopts}))) {
my $dflt = $mopts->{$mopt}->[0];
my $colc = "textBoldDark";
if (exists($x->AutoOpts->{$mopt})) {
$dflt = $x->AutoOpts->{$mopt};
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>* $mopt</td>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>Optional</td>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>DATA</td>".
"<td class='textNormal'><input type='text' name='OPT_$mopt' value='$dflt'></td>".
"<td class='textNormal'>Advanced exploit option</td>".
"<td class='textNormal' colspan=5> ".$mopts->{$mopt}->[1]."</td></tr>\n";
# Advanced payload options
foreach my $popt (sort(keys(%{$popts}))) {
my $dflt = $popts->{$popt}->[0];
my $colc = "textBoldDark";
if (exists($x->AutoOpts->{$popt})) {
$dflt = $x->AutoOpts->{$popt};
$res .= "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n";
$res .= "<tr>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>* $popt</td>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>Optional</td>".
"<td class='textBoldDark'>DATA</td>".
"<td class='textNormal'><input type='text' name='OPT_$popt' value='$dflt'></td>".
"<td class='textNormal'>Advanced payload option</td>".
"<td class='textNormal' colspan=5> ".$popts->{$popt}->[1]."</td></tr>\n";
$res .= "</table>\n";
$res .= "</form>\n";
return $res;
sub ExploitExec
my ($state) = @_;
my $module = $state->{'MODULE'};
my $res;
my $exploit = $exploits->{$module};
if (! $exploit) {
return "<div class='textBold'>Invalid Module</div>";
my $o = StateToOptions($state);
foreach my $k (keys(%{ $o })) {
$ui->SetTempEnv($k, $o->{$k});
$ui->SetTempEnv('PAYLOAD', $state->{'PAYLOAD'});
my $validPayloads = $ui->MatchPayloads($exploit, $payloads) if($exploit->Payload);
my $payloadName = $ui->GetEnv('PAYLOAD');
my $payload = $validPayloads->{$payloadName};
if ($state->{'NOP'} && $state->{'NOP'} ne 'default') {
$ui->SetTempEnv('Nop', $state->{'NOP'});
if ($state->{'ENCODER'} && $state->{'ENCODER'} ne 'default') {
$ui->SetTempEnv('Encoder', $state->{'ENCODER'});
# Mmmmm, candy
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Exploits', $exploits);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Payloads', $payloads);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Exploit', $exploit);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_PayloadName', $payloadName);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Payload', $payload);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_ValidPayloads', $validPayloads);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_UI', $ui);
if ($state->{'ExploitAction'} eq '-Check-') {
$res .= "\n<form action='$burl' method='GET'>\n";
foreach (keys(%{$state})) {
if ($_ ne "MODE") {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='".XSS_Filter($_)."' value='" . XSS_Filter($state->{$_}) . "'>\n";
} else {
$res .= "<input type='hidden' name='MODE' value='EXPLOIT'>\n";
$res .= "<input type='submit' name='ExploitAction' value='Launch Exploit' class='button'>\n";
$res .= "</form>\n";
$res .= "<hr><br><br>\n";
if ($ui->GetTempEnv('_Defanged')) {
$res .= "<br><div class='textBold'>This server has been started in 'Defanged' mode. ";
$res .= "Check and Exploit options are not available...</div>\n";
return $res;
else {
$res .= "<br><div class='textBold'>Check Results: ";
$res .= (($ui->Check) ? "Vulnerable" : "Not Vulnerable") . "</div><br>\n";
$res .= "<br>". join("<br>\n", @{$ui->DumpLines}) . "<br>\n";
return $res;
$res .= "<table align='center' padding=4 border=0 cellspacing=0 width='95%'>\n";
if (defined($exploit->Payload) && defined($payloadName) && ! defined($payload) ) {
$res .= "<tr><td class='textBold'>Payload must be selected first!</td></tr></table>\n";
return $res;
if ($ui->GetTempEnv('_Defanged')) {
$res .= "<br><div class='textBold'>This server has been started in 'Defanged' mode. ";
$res .= "Check and Exploit options are not available...</div>\n";
return $res;
# We hijack the socket from the web service
my $bout = $state->{'client'};
my $pout = $state->{'parent'};
# Use chunked transfer mode to return partial responses
my $out = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n".
"Connection: close\r\n".
"Date: ". HTTPDate()."\r\n".
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n".
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n";
$out = HTML_Header().
"<div class='moduleOutput'>\n".
"<b>Processing exploit request (".$exploit->Name.")...</b><br>\n".
"<b>Using payload: " . XSS_Filter($payloadName) . "</div><br>\n".
# Close out the main table and prepare for incremental output
$out .=
"<br\><hr size=1 width='80%'>".
"<div align='center' class='navHead'> Exploit Output </div>\n".
"<hr size=1 width='80%'><br\>".
"<div align='left' class='moduleOutput'>\n".
$bout->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($out), $out));
# Ask the parent for a session ID
my $raw = $pout->getline;
if (! $raw || $raw !~ /SID ([0-9]{0,16})/ ) {
$out = "[*] <div class='textBold'>msfweb: unable to obtain session...</div>";
$bout->Send(sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", length($out), $out));
my ($sid) = $raw =~ m/SID ([0-9]{0,16})/g;
# Configure stdio for the child process
my ($einp, $eout, $einp_sock, $eout_sock);
socketpair($einp_sock, $eout_sock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
my $einp = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(fileno($einp_sock), "a+");
my $eout = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(fileno($eout_sock), "a+");
# Configure the environment...
$ui->SetTempEnv('_PipeInput', $einp);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_PipeOutput', $einp);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_GhettoIPC', $pout);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_SessionID', $sid);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_BrowserSocket', $bout);
# Save the parent pid
my $top = $$;
# Save off some information about this session
my %sess =
'module' => $module,
'client' => $bout->PeerAddr,
'target' => $ui->GetEnv('RHOST') || 'unknown',
'start' => time(),
'payload' => $ui->GetEnv('PAYLOAD') || 'unknown',
# Now things get interesting :-)
my $epid = fork();
# The main process will keep our IPC open as long as we stay alive
if ($epid) {
my $cache_file = $ui->GetEnv('_CachePath').sprintf("cache%.8x.dat", $sid);
# Wait for the go-ahead message from the parent
my $ok = $pout->getline;
exit if ! $ok;
if ($ok eq 'SHUTDOWN') {
if ($ok ne 'SHELL') {
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = sub
# print STDERR "*** Shutting down processes for session $sid...\n";
$eout->printflush("!^! MSF_SHUTDOWN\n");
kill KILL => $epid;
my $info = IPCHashToData(%sess);
$pout->printflush("INFO $sid $info\n");
# Remove the cache file if it already exists
# Open the file again for real this time
if (! open (CACHE, '>', $cache_file)) {
print STDERR "Could not create cache file: ($cache_file) $!\n";
# Set binary mode in case we need it
my $cache = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(fileno(CACHE), 'w');
if (not defined($cache)) {
print STDERR "Could not open cache file descriptor: ($cache_file) $!\n";
my $keepRunning = 1;
while ($keepRunning) {
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
foreach ($eout, $pout) {
my @rdy = $sel->can_read(0.25);
foreach my $fd (@rdy) {
# Output from the shell
if ($fd eq $eout) {
my ($data, $buff);
while ($eout->read($buff, 1024)) { $data .= $buff }
# Request from the server
if ($fd eq $pout) {
my $data = $pout->getline;
chomp ($data);
if ($data eq 'SHUTDOWN') {
$keepRunning = 0;
# Command request from a client
if ($data =~ m/DATA\s+(.*)/) {
my $bytes = pack('H*', $1);
# write command to cache file
$bytes = XSS_Filter($bytes);
my $out = "\n<div class='textBold'>>> $bytes</div>\n";
# Command request from a client
if ($data =~ m/CMD\s+(.*)/) {
my $cmd = pack('H*', $1);
my $out = "<div class='textBold'>>> ";
# Interrupt via magic command string :(
if ($cmd eq 'INT') {
$out .= "Session interrupt request...";
# $eout->printflush();
# $eout->printflush("!^! MSF_INTERRUPT\n");
kill INT => $epid;
# Shutdown
if ($cmd eq 'DIE') {
$out .= "Session kill request...";
$keepRunning = 0;
$out .= "</div>\n";
$cache->printflush("<div class='textBold'>>> Session is shutting down...</div>\n");
# Call the signal handler subroutine created above
kill INT => $$;
# Feel the magic o_0
if (! $ui->GetTempEnv('_ShellServer')) {
$pout->printflush("SHUTDOWN $sid\n");
# Primitive HTTP request parser
sub HTTPRequest {
my $self = shift;
my $cli = shift;
my $opt = shift;
my $timeout = exists($opt->{'Timeout'}) ? $opt->{'Timeout'} : 5;
my $raw;
my ($meth, $uri, $path, $query);
my %headers;
my %params;
my @lines;
my $linec = 0;
# Read one line at a time until we hit the header separator
# Defend against cheesy denial of service attacks...
while ($raw ne "\r\n")
$raw = $cli->RecvLine($timeout);
if (! $raw) {
return { 'invalid' => 1 };
if (length($raw) > 65535) {
return { 'oversized' => 1 };
if (scalar(@lines) > 100) {
return {'oversized' => 1 };
push @lines, $raw;
my $rmeth = shift(@lines);
# Parse the request method and URI
if ($rmeth =~ m/^([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+/) {
$meth = lc($1);
$uri = $2;
else { return {'invalid' => 1 }; }
# Read the HTTP request headers
foreach my $line (@lines) {
$line =~ s/\r|\n//g;
last if $line eq '';
if ($line =~ m/^([^:]+):(\s+|)(.*)$/) {
$headers{lc($1)} = $3;
# Convert URI encoding to hex encoding
$uri =~ s/\+/%20/g;
# Split out the path from the query string
if ($uri =~ m/^([^\?]+)(\?(.*)|)$/) {
$path = $1;
$query = $3;
# Convert hex encoding to plain text
$path =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
# Remove some garbage from the request
$path =~ s/\x00|\x0a|\x0d|\<|\>|\s+$//g;
# Remove parent paths and other bad joojoo
$path =~ s/\/\.\.\/|\/\.\/|\\//g;
# Convert multiple forward slashes to a single
$path =~ s/\/+/\//g;
# Break the individual variables into chunks
my @chunks = split(/&/, $query);
# Process the chunks and place into %params
foreach my $chunk (@chunks) {
my ($var, $val) = split(/=/, $chunk);
$val =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$params{$var} = $val;
# ignore empty values
$val =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# strip out some hostile chars
$val =~ s/\x00|\x0a|\x0d//g;
# avoid cheesy xss attacks
$val = XSS_Filter($val);
if (! length($val)) { delete($params{$var}) }
# Create a nice big hash of the request
my $res =
'method' => $meth,
'headers' => \%headers,
'params' => \%params,
'path' => $path,
# Process the URL
($res->{'base'}) = $path =~ m/^\/([^\?]+)/;
if (! $res->{'base'}) {
$res->{'base'} = 'EXPLOITS';
# Default to main mode
if (! $res->{'params'}->{'MODE'}) {
$res->{'params'}->{'MODE'} = 'MAIN';
# Cache resource requests...
if ( $res->{'base'} eq 'RESOURCE') {
my $url = exists($params{'ID'}) ? $params{'ID'} : $params{'ICON'};
# If they requested more than 100 different resources, cache block them
# Checks above limit any given request to 65K anyways...
if (scalar( keys %{ $cache_hosts{$cli->PeerAddr} }) > 100) {
# Clear the cache and return undef for cache attackers
if ($cache_hosts{$cli->PeerAddr}->{'_blocked_'}) {
return $res;
if ( $url &&
$res->{'headers'}->{'if-modified-since'} &&
$cache_hosts{ $cli->PeerAddr }->{$url} ) {
$cli->Send(HTTPResponse(304, 'Probably cached...', 'text/html'));
else {
$cache_hosts{ $cli->PeerAddr }->{$url} = time();
return $res;
sub HTTPResponse {
my $code = @_ ? shift() : 403;
my $body = @_ ? shift() : '';
my $type = @_ ? shift() : 'text/html';
my $data;
$data = "HTTP/1.1 $code\r\n".
"Connection: close\r\n".
"Date: ". HTTPDate() ."\r\n".
"Cache-Control: private\r\n".
"Last-Modified: $cache_start\r\n".
"Content-Length: ".length($body)."\r\n".
"Content-Type: $type\r\n".
"\r\n". $body;
return $data;
sub HTTPDate {
my $stime = shift() || [ gmtime() ];
return strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", @{ $stime });
sub CharsToBytes {
my $chars = shift;
my $badChars;
foreach my $hc (split(/\s+/, $chars)) {
if ($hc =~ m/^0x(.|..)/) {
$badChars .= chr(hex($hc));
} else {
# it isn't hex char... maybe just plain char?
foreach (split(//, $hc)) {
$badChars .= $_;
return $badChars;
# XXX - not complete
sub XSS_Filter {
my $data = shift;
$data =~ s/\&/\&/g;
$data =~ s/\</\</g;
$data =~ s/\>/\>/g;
return $data;
sub IPCDataToHash {
my $data = shift;
my %hash;
foreach (split(/,/, $data)) {
my ($var, $val) = split(/\=/, $_);
next if ! $var;
next if ! $val;
$hash{$var} = pack("H*", $val);
return %hash;
sub IPCHashToData {
my %hash = @_;
my $data;
foreach (keys %hash) {
$data .= $_."=".unpack("H*", $hash{$_}).",";
return $data;
sub ListColor {
my $style = shift;
return ($style eq 'ColorA') ? 'ColorB' : 'ColorA';
sub LoadAllModules {
$exploitsIndex = $ui->LoadExploits;
$payloadsIndex = $ui->LoadPayloads;
$encodersIndex = $ui->LoadEncoders;
$nopsIndex = $ui->LoadNops;
$moduleTypes = {};
$moduleKeys = {};
$moduleOS = {};
$moduleArch = {};
$modules = {};
foreach my $key (keys(%{$exploitsIndex})) {
my $exploit = $exploitsIndex->{$key};
$exploits->{$exploit->SelfEndName} = $exploit;
$modules->{'exploits'}->{$exploit->SelfEndName} = $exploit;
push @{ $moduleTypes->{'exploits'}->{$exploit->ModuleClass} }, $exploit->SelfEndName;
foreach my $kname ( @{ $exploit->Keys } ) {
push @{ $moduleKeys->{'exploits'}->{$kname} }, $exploit->SelfEndName;
foreach my $kname ( @{ $exploit->OS } ) {
push @{ $moduleOS->{'exploits'}->{$kname} }, $exploit->SelfEndName;
foreach my $kname ( @{ $exploit->Arch } ) {
push @{ $moduleArch->{'exploits'}->{$kname} }, $exploit->SelfEndName;
foreach my $key (keys(%{$payloadsIndex})) {
my $payload = $payloadsIndex->{$key};
$payloads->{$payload->SelfEndName} = $payload;
$modules->{'payloads'}->{$payload->SelfEndName} = $payload;
foreach my $kname ( @{ $payload->OS } ) {
push @{ $moduleOS->{'payloads'}->{$kname} }, $payload->SelfEndName;
foreach my $kname ( @{ $payload->Arch } ) {
push @{ $moduleArch->{'payloads'}->{$kname} }, $payload->SelfEndName;
$ui->SetTempEnv('_ExploitsIndex', $exploitsIndex);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_PayloadsIndex', $payloadsIndex);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Encoders', $encodersIndex);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_Nops', $nopsIndex);
$ui->SetTempEnv('_UI', $ui);
package GhettoWeb; #
use POSIX;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Pex;
sub new {
my $name = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $name;
$self->{'_Session'} = { };
$self->{'_LastSession'} = 0;
return $self;
sub _config {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
foreach (keys %args) {
$self->{'_Config'}->{$_} = $args{$_};
sub SessionNext {
my $self = shift;
my $curr = $self->{'_LastSession'};
$self->{'_LastSession'} = $curr + 1;
return $self->{'_LastSession'};
sub SessionNew {
my $self = shift;
my $ipc = shift;
my $sid = $self->SessionNext;
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid} =
'IPC' => $ipc,
'PID' => 0,
'Data' => '',
$self->Log(1, "IPC: creating new session $sid with IPC socket $ipc");
return $sid;
sub SessionDataGet {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
my $data = $self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Data'};
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Data'} = '';
return $data;
sub SessionDataPut {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
my $data = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Data'} .= $data;
return length($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Data'});
sub SessionPipePID {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'PID'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'PID'};
sub SessionIPC {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'IPC'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'IPC'};
sub SessionRemove {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
# shut down the pipe process
if ((my $pid = $self->SessionPipePID($sid))) {
$self->Log(3, "IPC: removing session $sid with Pipe PID $pid");
kill(9, $pid);
# shut down the ipc channel
eval { $self->SessionIPC->close };
# remove the entry from the session list
sub SessionList {
my $self = shift;
return keys %{ $self->{'_Session'} };
sub SessionInfo {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
$self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Info'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'_Session'}->{$sid}->{'Info'};
sub SessionCheck {
my $self = shift;
my $sid = shift;
return 0 if ! exists($self->{'_Session'}->{$sid});
return 1;
sub IsError {
my $self = shift;
return 1 if exists($self->{'_Error'});
sub GetError {
my $self = shift;
return if ! exists($self->{'_Error'});
return $self->{'_Error'};
sub SetError {
my $self = shift;
my $boom = shift;
$self->{'_Error'} = $boom;
return $self->{'_Error'};
sub ClearError {
my $self = shift;
sub LogFile {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_LogFile'} = shift() if @_;
return $self->{'_LogFile'};
sub LogLevel {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_LogLevel'} = shift() if @_;
return $self->{'_LogLevel'};
sub Log {
my $self = shift;
my $lvl = shift;
my $msg = @_ ? shift() : return;
return if $lvl > $self->LogLevel;
if (! open(X, ">>".$self->LogFile) ) {
print STDERR "FATAL: could not open the log file '". $self->LogFile ."': $!\n";
$msg = $self->TermEscape($msg);
print X scalar(localtime())." <$lvl> $msg\n";
sub TermEscape {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $res;
foreach my $c (unpack('C*', $data)) {
if ($c >= 0x20 && $c < 0x80) { $res .= chr($c); }
else { $res .= sprintf("\\x%.2x", $c); }
return $res;
sub Run {
my $self = shift;
my $args = $self->{'_Config'};
my $host = $args->{'host'};
my $port = $args->{'port'};
my $fnWeb = $args->{'fnWeb'} || sub { };
my $fnIPC = $args->{'fnIPC'} || sub { };
my $fnHRP = $args->{'fnHRP'} || sub { };
my $httpd = IO::Socket::INET->new
LocalAddr => $host,
LocalPort => $port,
ReuseAddr => 1,
Listen => 5,
if (! $httpd) {
$self->SetError("Failed to start listener: $!");
$SIG{'CHLD'} = \&_Reaper;
my %socketInfo =
$httpd => [$httpd, 0, 'listener'],
my $keepRunning = 1;
# The main event loop
while ($keepRunning) {
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
foreach my $s (keys %socketInfo) {
# Process all but child-side sockets
if ($socketInfo{$s}->[2] ne 'ipc_child') {
my $sd = $socketInfo{$s}->[0];
if (! $sd) {
$self->Log(1, "ERROR: socketInfo{ $s } is invalid");
# Select for new connections and data
my @ready = $sel->can_read(10);
# Process each flagged socket
foreach my $s (@ready) {
# A new connection
if ($s eq $httpd) {
my ($client) = $httpd->accept;
if (! $client) {
$self->Log(1, "ERROR: accept failed on primary listener socket: $@");
$socketInfo{$client} = [$client, 0, 'client'];
$self->Log(4, "NEW: ".$client->peerhost .':'. $client->peerport);
# A new HTTP request
if ($socketInfo{$s}->[2] eq 'client') {
my $cli = Msf::Socket::Tcp->new_from_socket($s);
my $cinfo = $cli->PeerAddr .':'. $cli->PeerPort;
# Process the actual HTTP request
my $res = $fnHRP->($self, $cli);
# Ignore requests that resulted in 'not modified' responses
if ( $res->{'cached'} ) {
$self->Log(5, "HTTP: cache hit from $cinfo");
eval { $s->shutdown(2); $s->close; };
# Check for cache blocking (detected possible DoS)
if ($res->{'cache_block'}) {
$self->Log(3, "HTTP: cache denial of service attack from $cinfo");
eval { $s->shutdown(2); $s->close; };
if ($res->{'invalid'}) {
$self->Log(3, "HTTP: invalid request from $cinfo");
eval { $s->shutdown(2); $s->close; };
if ($res->{'oversized'}) {
$self->Log(3, "HTTP: oversized request from $cinfo");
eval { $s->shutdown(2); $s->close; };
if ($res) {
my ($par, $chi);
# Do not create IPC pipes for resource requests
if ($res->{'base'} ne 'RESOURCE') {
# Create the comm channel between parent and child
socketpair($par, $chi, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
# Spawn off the child process
my $pid = fork();
if (! $pid) {
# Reseed the PRNG
# Close the http listener inside the child
$fnWeb->($self, $res, $cli, $chi);
# Do not track IPC pipes for resource requests
if ($res->{'base'} ne 'RESOURCE') {
$socketInfo{$par} = [$par, $pid, 'ipc'];
$socketInfo{$chi} = [$chi, $pid, 'ipc_child'];
# XXX - local cleanup up the original socket?
# A new IPC request
if ($socketInfo{$s}->[2] eq 'ipc') {
my $ipc_pid = $socketInfo{$s}->[1];
$self->Log(3, "IPC: $ipc_pid $s");
$fnIPC->($self, $s);
# Unknown socket type...
$self->Log(1, "ERROR: unknown socket type ".$socketInfo{$s}->[2]);
# Remove sockets attach to dead processes
foreach my $s (keys %socketInfo) {
my $spid = $socketInfo{$s}->[1];
if ($spid && ! kill(0, $spid)) {
$self->Log(4, "DEL: $s $spid ".$socketInfo{$s}->[2]);
waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
# Resolve an annoying issue with Cygwin...
# Reinstate the signal handler for SysV boxes...
sub _Reaper {
while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) == 0) { }
$SIG{'CHLD'} = \&_Reaper;